2010 has been an extremely eventful year for Tanner and I, where to start? Our first big adventure of 2010 is a road trip to WASHINGTON! Me, Tanner and Janessa headed out to Snoqualmie WA to visit Bethany :) We fit in everything we could while we were there. We did the settle space needle, and everything in Seattle. We of course went to Forks WA and did all things twilight (tanner wasn't too excited), and I also saw the ocean for the VERY FIRST time :D it was sooooo much fun! However, the biggest news is that after 5 years of dating, Tanner asked me to marry him!! He asked on May 15th 2010, it was perfect! We were dropping some friends off after a show Tanner's band had played. My one friend Bethany wanted to pull over to take some pictures of the valley (she's an aspiring photographer so this wasn't unusual) we were up on a hill in draper and tanner popped the question while Beth snapped some memorable photographs :D It was simple and romantic, it was perfect. We both wanted a summer wedding, however we didn't wanna wait 1+ years, we had already been together so long there was no need to wait. We toured a place called Wadley Farms and fell in love, they happened to have a summer wedding date available on July 3rd. Can you say SOON! But we said yes we will take the date and planning began! We both knew we wanted a simple wedding with family and close friends, and we knew our parents would be so excited to help out. And it turned out perfect better then I would have ever imagined. It was the best day of my life!!! However, we had one tiny bump come along just before the wedding. While tanner was in Vegas a week before the wedding I was very sick. I had a fever and everything and was freaking out. after 3 different doctors appointments we found out we are going to have a baby!! Turns out instead of the typical "honey moon" baby, we would be having an "engagement" baby! It came as a complete shock, because up until then things were normal and I had no real concern to believe I was pregnant, but low and behold we had a baby growing in my belly. The timing did come alot sooner then we had hoped, but we couldn't be more excited!!! Since we found out just 1 week before the wedding, and were still processing this 2nd big change in our lifes, we opted to tell everyone after the wedding so we could focus on us and our wedding, plus with being sick I had to get a bunch of tests and blood tests to make sure the baby was ok because they felt I was at risk for miscarriage with how high my fever got. Everything turned out fabulous though and baby is doing great :D We moved into our first apartment, and although its not glamorous and has no yard, its perfect and all our own! As for the baby as of today I'm 33 weeks pregnant with a baby BOY! His official due date is 01/16/11, however according to the ultra sound he is due on 01/11/11 which is the date we go with :D were not quite ready yet though. We STILL haven't agreed on a name. But December is our month to get ready cuz ready or not he will be here in January!! That has been our 2010 in a nutshell!!

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