Wednesday, October 26, 2011

9 months!

This little man just turned 9 months old!!
I know, I say it every time but you are getting to big! This is a very bittersweet month for me. It marks new territory. Hudson, from this moment on your starting to spend more time out in the real world, then you did in my belly. Your not my new little baby anymore, your becoming my big little man!! I love you so much Huddy Buddy.
At 9 months you: 

I believe your weighing in around 18 lbs and 28 inches
You still have no teeth

You are in 9-12 month clothes. A few 6 month still fit, but for the most part its 9-12. Jammies are 12 month, everything else is just too small!

You are talking up a storm! you can say dada, baba, bye bye, and sometimes mama :) You also love "ooohing" at everything, especially planes. And you love to babble and make 'raspberries' noises.

We've been doing sign language with you, and you have done your first sign, milk!

You are walking everywhere!!! There is no stopping you. You always want down so you can walk, and sometimes you try to run.

You can wave bye bye, clap your hands (which is adorable because you clap them up and down on top of each other instead of the normal way, I need to get a video of this). You clap your hands every morning when you wake up! Your also learning to give high fives.

You are now officially on normal formula. No more soy.

You eat 3 meals a day of pureed baby food, and were starting on finger food. Its taken a couple months, you would gag every time I tried giving you anything, or just stick your tongue out. The doc said to wait a lil bit and try again, so that's what we did. You are starting to kind of get the hang of it :)

You still wake up at least once a night. I fail at the 'cry it out' method. But its ok, your still a baby and that's what babies do.

Your are just the happiest baby every! You are always smiling or laughing and its contagious! You give us the best slobbery kisses in the world. Me and daddy love you sooo much Hudson. You are our everything.

Some pics of your 9 month photo shoot....don't mind your scratch on your cheek :(

and just some random pictures...cuz your that cute!

 Climbing up the mini fridge.

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