Friday, March 4, 2011

Facts & Resolutions

I go back to work on Monday, and im not really looking forward to it. However, it's something I have to do and thankfully Hudson has great grandparents that are going to watch him while I am work. So before I get back to work, I wanted to post about some of Hudson's developments. 
  • As of today (being 5 1/2 weeks) according to our scale Hudson weighs about 12 pounds. Give or take a few ounces. Holey chunker! 
  • Hudson LOVES his flash cards. We have these flash cards and it has different sets for 0-3 4-6 6-9 and 9-12 months old. Right now were on black and red shapes & faces. Hudson loves the faces. He will follow them around with his eyes. 
  • Hudson has become so smiley lately! In the morning me and tanner will just talk to him and sit with him in bed and if he is in a good mood he will just smile with us. This is my FAVORITE part of the day for sure! 
  • This morning Hudson noticed his feet for the first time. He was sitting on Tanner's stomach and we pulled off his socks and he just stared at his feet forever and was kicking them!!
  • He thinks he is a lot older then he really is. He has been lifting his head up since like 1 week old. And the last few weeks he holds it up all the time. We don't really have to support his head.
  • He loves to be held out towards everything. If he is crying usually you just have to hold him so he can see everything and walk around. He loves looking at everything. 
  • He is starting to gain control of his arms and hands. He loves to eat his fist, and sometimes manages to get just his thumb in his mouth. He HATES the binki, but loves his fingers. 
  • He is growing so fast. He no longer is in newborn, although a few random pieces still fit. He is in 0-3 months right now.

Also, I've finally got some new years resolutions! Not too late right? Since getting married, and moving, and being pregnant, and two jobs, this last year was nothing short of exhausting! I swear all I did was work and sleep. Now that were starting our family and (hopefully) getting a routine down, my resolutions are to be the best mother and wife I can possibly be. I want to make a big deal out of the holidays and the little moments and milestones! My mom would always make the holidays so much fun, and probably went a little overboard sometimes. But I have so many great memories & I can't wait to share some of the holiday traditions with Hudson & Tanner! I already have Tanner a little surprise for the next up and coming holiday (stay tuned for pretty excited, its just a little somethin-somethin but so cute!). And also, to be more creative. I have a bunch of ideas of things I wanna try & make. I did one DIY project for Christmas for Jamie's present and I think it turned out pretty good. And last but not least, to get in shape. I would love to atleast get back to the pre-baby weight! I've have let go that the exact pre-baby body is never gonna happen HAHA but as long as I can get to where im happy and comfortable it will be good!

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