Hudson is now 2 months old!!!
(that is my favorite face of his!)
We can't believe how fast this last 2 months has flown by.
Every day is a blessing and I can't imagine our lives with out him.
Hudson at two months...
Is a little stud! just check out that mohawk!
Weighs around 12 to 13 pounds. Atleast according to our home scale.
We go to the doctor next week for his 2 month check
up & shots and we will know for sure.
Is all smiles & laughs in the mornings.This is our favorite time of day. You get so excited
and you smile and laugh so loud! I can't wait for those laughs to
turn into giggles. Just check out the pictures!
Starting to love his playmat and swing! You will sit there for a good
little while just looking at the lights and trying to hit and grab all of the toys.
You have such great head control! And your trying to grow WAY to fast!
We lay you down and you just want to sit up. This picture below
is all you trying to sit up. You also grab onto our hands and
will pull yourself into a sitting & or standing position all on your own!

Since you love to sit up we tried it with the boppy & it worked really well.
You loved it SO much. I can't believe how big your getting.
Your a little advanced sitting up already, but I love it!
(in this picture ^^ you look JUST like your daddy!)
Still LOVES bathtime, but your not the biggest fan of getting out of the bath.
Starting to love to read! You will sit and listen and stare at the pictures.
Your favorite is the NIGHT NIGHT book,
we read it every night before bed.
We believe your going through another growth spurt! Right now you will nurse for 15 min or so,
then drink 3-4 oz of a bottle in one feeding. But the last day or so, your
drinking 4-5 oz! your my little Chunk
Newborn clothes are out of the picture, infact they have been out of the picture for along time.
Your in 0-3 month clothes, however your sleepers and most onsies are becoming a bit snug.
I have a feeling the jump to 3-6 month clothes may be coming soon.
Were also starting a little bit of a sleeping routine. You wake up for the day between 7-8 am.
Then you usually take a 20-40 min nap around 930 then another around 11. Then while mom
is at work (between 1 and 6) you will take a 2-3 1/2 hour nap, then another cat nap around 7 or so.
Then fall asleep around 9. You also get up once in the night around 4am. Not to bad id say!
Keep in mind though, this is just most days!
Happy 2 months Hudson! mommy & daddy love you so much!!
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