Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Seven Months

 My lil guy is 7 months old!! I seriously can't believe it. This has just FLOWN by, and your growing up way way to fast!
at seven months you:

-Are weighing in around 18 pounds, and im guessing around 28.5 inches long! Tall and lean.
-You are the most mobile thing ever, you never sit still. And it drives your poor momma crazy! You have started walking! well, taking steps. You cruz along furniture like nobodies business, but you can take a good 6-8 steps now before you fall on your bum. If you practiced standing you might walk a lil better, but you have no patience.
-You wear 6-9 months clothes, and size 3 diapers still....however some of your 3 months clothes still fit!!
-On August 11 you started saying "dadada" and "mmmmm", even though you don't know what it means dad still counts this as your first word. HA, we shall see ;)
-You have learned a nasty little habbit, I think from your cousin because you do it exactly like her...or its just a Danielson thing. You are now throwing fits! Little child why must you do this to your momma? You will arch your back and throw yourself backwards onto the floor and scream if I try to keep you from hurting yourself by eating cords, or climbing on entertainment centers. And then all of a sudden your ok.
-You love to eat! And so far the only food you have hated was Bananas. Which I find weird!
-You still are on soy formula, but we have started some baby yogurt and you did fine, so hopefully we can try regular formula soon
-You still love to blow bubbles, and bite your bottom lip and suck your thumb
-You have zero teeth!
-Bath time is your favorite!! You have outgrown the baby bath, so now you get to sit and splash!
-You also had to get your blood drawn :( it was awful!! You were sick and had diarrhea and a rash, you were eating good but they still wanted to check to make sure you weren't dehydrated. You weren't but were getting close. So we tried every flavor pedialite and you wouldn't touch the stuff! Thank goodness for pedialite Popsicles! 

 We love you more then anything in the world baby boy!!!
XOXO mommy & daddy

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Birds and fishies

My little sister Jaida has been on summer vacation and spending lots of time with me and Hudson. I love my sister so much!! A couple days she has been here we have gone out to the Tracey Aviary Bird Sanctuary, and to the aquarium. I think we all had lots of fun!


Hudson & Ella are the best little cousins ever! They are only 14 months apart, and already the best of friends!

First Steps

ok, so I know the video doesn't get real good till the end, but that's cuz I was so excited and in shock I didn't grab my camera right away! So he is tired and worn out by the time I go this, But I promise to get better footage tomorrow.

But, yes you heard me right Hudson is barely 6 1/2 months old and thinks he can walk and about give his poor momma a heart attack at the same time!!! What a little stinker. He can walk along the couches or while holding your hands just fine, and recently started letting go and "standing" for a few seconds on his own. Well over the weekend he took 2 steps and I about had a cow & thought it was just a fluke. Now its all he wants to do is try and walk. He got up to 7 steps one time! I keep trying to tell him, babies don't do this till there lots older & even then they learn to stand before they start taking steps. Heck, most are scared to take their first steps! I have a feeling he is gonna skip standing and walking all together and just go straight to running. I am so not ready for him to be able to walk, he needs to still be my baby and he is growing up way to fast.

This video is a little better footage, but it's from my phone so the quality sucks!

Friday, August 5, 2011

six months

 "who has 2 thumbs and is 6 months old? This guy!"          

 Holy crap, my son is 1/2 a year old!! When did that happen?
Hudson, I can't believe how fast your growing it makes me soo sad & yet happy at the same time. These last 6 months have just flown by. I love being your momma with all of my heart! I can't get enough you.

At six months you:
-You are weighing in at 16 lbs 14 oz & 27 3/4 inches long! You never ever sit still, I contribute this to why your so darn skinny! 
 -You are still drinking similac soy formula, about 5-6 oz every 3 hours & eat homemade yummines twice a day [working on 3 times]
 -You are very very mobile. You have been crawling for a month, you pull up to standing on everything & you have started walking along the couches.
-You are in 6-9 [or 6-12 depending on store] size clothes, and some 3-6 still fit. And you are in size 3 diapers. [speaking of and dad just bought our very first pack of diapers this month! finally ran out of our supply from family and friends]
-Your got your very first hair cut on July 11th, 2011. Your little hawk was just too long.
-You absolutely love to blow bubbles and yell. It makes you laugh and you could seriously do either for hours on end.
-You love to be read to, and go for walks
-Your the most smiley giggly baby ever!
-You love to pull hair and pinch faces

 Nummy Nummy
 Just Chillaxin on mommy
 How cool are you?
 Just going for a walk with my buddy.
 During our 6 month "photo shoot" you got bored and decided to crawl away
 You have started biting your bottom lip all the time.

 see...standing on anything and everything
 I just had to get one of these bibs! love it :D
 Devouring some water melon :D
 You love playin in the sand
 And in the water.

 We tried out the big baby swing at the park, your still a little to little
 borrowing little haylee's bows
 You had a blast throwing dog food everywhere!
 Hi mom, look at me one hand!
 actually...I think ill just chew on my crib if thats ok?
 Now check this out...No hands!

You love watching your daddy play guitar

Hudson We love you so much! We seriously couldn't picture life with out you. You make every day amazing!!

xoxo mommy and daddy